Activipy: Your pythonic social network toolkit ============================================== `Activipy `_ (pronounced "activi-pie") is an `ActivityStreams 2.0 `_ toolkit for Python. It helps making your application or website social while keeping things fun. ActivityStreams is a JSON (and optionally, `json-ld `_) representation of "who's doing what", simple to understand and easy to implement on your own website. ActiviPy makes things extra easy for you by including the full basic `ActivityStreams vocabulary `_, which means that you have the appropriate language to discribe common social network type interactions. This makes it easy to build a world where various servers can speak the same language about common activities. If your application does something more complicated, don't worry, ActivityStreams has an extension mechanism, and Activipy is built to help you take advantage of it. Jump on in! Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 about tutorial .. core types .. vocabulary .. extending the environment .. advanced examples Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`